1. Perk Y., Arvas A., Ataoğlu N., Karacan M., Ilıkkan B., Elkabes M.: Nonimmun Hidrops Fetalis (NIHF), II.Ulusal Prenatal Tanı ve Tıbbi Genetik Kongresi, 11-13 Ekim 1990, İstanbul
  2. Çolgar U., Karacan M., Erel T., İrez T., Ertüngealp E.: Immunobead binding test in couples with abnormal postcoital test in diagnosis of immunologic infertility. International İstanbul symposium on Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3-6 Haziran 1991, İstanbul
  3. Karacan M., Hall G. Kemmann E., Shelden R.: Multielemental analysis of human follicular fluid by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (abs), The Second World Conference on implantation and early pregnancy in humans, Atlantic City, New Jersey, ABD, Mayıs 12-14, 1994
  4. Shelden R., Kemmann E., Karacan M., Corsan G.: Effect of 6-day work week on fecundity for controlled ovarian hyprstimulation-intrauterine insemination in subfertile couples (abs), The Second World Conference on implantation and early pregnancy in humans, Atlantic City, New Jersey, ABD, Mayıs 12-14, 1994
  5. Karacan M., Qasim S., Corsan G., Bohrer M., Kemmann E.: Prediction of success of single dose methotrexate therapy in ectopic pregnancy The American Fertility Society San Antonio November 5-10 1994
  6. Muneyyirci-Delale M., Lakshmi V., Karacan M., Neil G., Camilien L.: Variations in placental 11-oxoreductase activity during pregnancy (abs), The Endocrine Society; 77th Annual Meeting, June 14-17, Washington, DC, ABD, 1995
  7. Qasim S., Karacan M., Trias A., Shelden R., Kemmann E.: Intravaginal seminal fluid deposition does not improve pregnancy rates in patients undergoing intrauterne insemination American Society for Reproductive Medicine October 7-12, 1995
  8. Karacan M., Çamlıbel T., Kolankaya A., Sarıkamış B., Atasü T., Djahanbahch O.: Serum CA-125 levels do not predict outcome of intracytoplasmic sperm injection-embryo transfer cycle, Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction, Vancouver, Kanada, 24-28 Mayıs, 1997
  9. Demircan A., Kervancıoğlu E., Çamlıbel T., Sarıkamış B., Karacan M., Atasü T., Kolankaya A., Djahanbakhch O.: Late intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): should it be considered as an alternative method, Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction, Vancouver, Kanada, 24-28 Mayıs, 1997
  10. Çamlıbel T., Kolankaya A., Sarıkamış B., Karacan M., Enginsu E., Çıray N.: Coasting: A safe way to prevent hyperstimulation in IVF and ICSI cycles. (abs.) 16th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility. October 4-9, San Fransisco, ABD,1998
  11. Karacan M., Erkan H., Daskaya İ., Karabulut O., Çamlıbel T., Benhabib M.: Effect of baseline ovarian cyst formation after gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogue administration on cycle cancellation rate and pregnancy rate in an in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer program Human Reproduction 15th Annual Meeting Tours, June 26-30 1999
  12. Karacan M., Erkan H., Daskaya İ., Karabulut O., Sarıkamış B., Çamlıbel T., Benhabib M.: Use of flare-up protocol after failure with long regimens of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist does not improve the clinical pregnancy rate in invitro fertilizaton program. Human Reproduction 15th Annual Meeting Tours, June 26-30 1999
  13. Karabulut O., Karacan M., Erkan H., Daskaya I., Benhabib M., Coskuner E.: Comparison of fertilization, cleavage and pregnancy rates of ICSI with mature spermatozoa obtained from different origins American Society for Reproductive Medicine September 25-30, 1999
  14. Guney AI, Karabulut O, Lecomte V, Karacan M, Erzik C, Ben Khalifa M, Erkan H, Cırakoglu B, Benhabib M: Incidence of microdeletions in Y chromosomes in azoospermic and oligoospermic infertile men undergoing ICSI/embryo transfer cycles. 16th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Bologna,Italy,2000
  15. Karacan M., Demircan A.., Karabulut E., Kervancıoğlu E., Benhabib M.: Cessation of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist therapy combined with high-dose urinary gonadotrophins does not improve the outcome of IVF-ET cycle in poor responders, 17th Annual Meeting of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Lausanne, July 1-4; 2001
  16. Sarac G., Demircan A., Karacan M., Benhabib M., Atasü T., Djahanbakhch O.: Empty follicle syndrome: iatrogenic factors causing infertility, 17th Annual Meeting of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Lausanne, July 1-4; 2001
  17. Demircan A., Karacan M., Sarac G., Karabulut O., Benhabib M., Kervancıoğlu E.: Early cleavage predicts success rate better than embryo morphology.
  18. 18th Annual Meeting of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Vienna, July 1-3 2002
  19. Karacan M., Demircan A., Sarac G., Karabulut O., Kervancıoğlu E., Benhabib M.: Unsatisfactory pregnancy rate in IVF-Embryo Transfer cycles in women with thin endometrium 18th Annual Meeting of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Vienna, July 1-3 2002
  20. Karacan M., Demircan A., Karabulut O., Sarac G., Kervancıoğlu E., Benhabib M.: Maternal serum hCG levels are elevated in pregnancies after ICSI-Embryo Transfer. 18th Annual Meeting of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Vienna, July 1-3 2002
  21. Demircan A, Karacan M, Sarac G, Karabulut O, Benhabib M, Kervancıoglu E: Ovarian response and early cleavage:predicting outcome. 19th Meeting of the ESHRE, Madrid, Spain, 2003
  22. Genc M., Karacan M., Batukan M., Acunas B., Camlıbel T.: Selective uterine artery embolization to stop hemorrhage in a case of cervical pregnancy following ICSI-ET cycle. 13th World Congress on InVitro Fertilization Assisted Reproduction and Genetics İstanbul, Turkey, May 26-29, 2005
  23. Ulug M, Arvas A., Karacan M., Berberoglugil M., Batukan M., Gumus N., Camlıbel T.: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcomes of fresh and frozen thawed testicular spermatozoa from nonobstructive azospermic men. 13th World Congress on InVitro Fertilization Assisted Reproduction and Genetics İstanbul, Turkey, May 26-29, 2005
  24. Karacan M., Berberoglugil M., Kervancıoglu E., Ulug M., Ilıkkan D., Batukan M., Çamlıbel T.: Chromosomal abnormalities and congenital malformations in 841 consecutive IVF and ICSI pregnancies. 13th World Congress on InVitro Fertilization Assisted Reproduction and Genetics İstanbul, Turkey, May 26-29, 2005
  25. Karacan M, Berberoglugil M, Ulug M, Arvas A, Batukan M, Camlıbel T: Flow pattern of the fluid during embryo transfer determined with transabdominal ultrasound is a predictive factor in the pregnancy rate in IVF-ET cycle. ASRM, Montreal,Quebec,2005
  26. Çamlıbel T, Vural G, Karacan M, Ökten Ö, Berberoğlugil M, Batukan M, Yazıcıoğlu E. Jinekoloji polikliniğine başvuran kadınlarda thin-prep yöntemiyle yapılan PAP smear testi ve servikal biopsi örneklerinde human papilloma virus sıklığı ve tiplerinin dağılımı. 8. Uludağ Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 17-21 Ocak, 2007
  27. Karacan M. Dünyada IVF uygulamaları ve Türkiye. Farklı ülkeler, farklı kurallar.TSRM Kongresi, Antalya, 16-19 Ekim.2008
  28. Karacan M, Alwaeely FA, Çebi Z, Berberoğlugil M, Uluğ M, Çamlıbel T. The effect of thyroid antibody positivity in euthyroid women undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycle (IVF-ET). ESHRE Meeting, İstanbul, Turkey, July1-4,2012
  29. Karacan M, Alwaely FA, Uluğ M, Arvas A, Erkan S, Çamlıbel T., The success of repeated microdissection sperm retrieval (m-TESE) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection following a conventional testicular biopsy in men with nonobstructive azoospermia.American Society of Reproductive Medicine, October 20-24,2012, San Diego
  30. Karacan M, Uluğ M, Çebi Z, Berberoğlugil M, Erkan S, Çamlıbel T. Outcome of intracytoplasmic sperm injection with fresh sperm obtained on the day of or the day before oocyte collection and cryopreserved testicular spermatozoa in men with azoospermia. American Society of Reproductive Medicine, October 20-24,2012, San Diego
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